Blog 109: The Magic of Woven Words – Author Interview #13

Dear Readers,

How are you all doing? We have thirty seven days left for the year to end. I wrapped up my 121st book and it was an Audio book. I hadn’t done an audio book in a few months and it felt good. I just finished – Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty and started another audio book titled – Everything is F*cked by Mark Manson. What are your reading goals to wrap this year up with? I plan on touching 130 books this year. Let’s see how we make it count. 🙂

A huge Thank You and a Loud Shout out to the Author – H.S Matthews for agreeing to participate and kind enough to send prompt response to all my questions.

H.S Matthews  is the author of – Little Jones and the Magical Realms Dracoron and Little Jones and the Magical Realms Veridian.


–>  A Brief Bio (As is written by the Author)

I’m a relatively new author, my first novel was published in November 2019. I write part time and work in finance as my day job. I had always dreamt of writing a book but was told by an English teacher that I had no imagination, which destroyed my confidence, but years later and with lots of encouragement from family and close friends I decided to give it a go. I sat down at the computer and started to write Lottie Jones, and the story just flowed from my fingertips onto the page.

As a child my first memory of loving a book was when I read the Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, that’s where my love of books began. I like to read many different genres from horror, thriller, fantasy, the list goes on. 

Question 1:  Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb? Can you share a snippet that isn’t in the blurb or excerpt?

Author’s Response:  That’s a difficult question, something about the book that’s not in the blurb? Well without giving too much away, breaking the rules of magic leads to disastrous consequences for one of the characters, and others suffer because of it.

Question 2: What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk? What are the tools of the trade? How much ‘world building’ takes place before you start writing?

Author’s Response:  A writing quirk, I’m not sure I have one really. I don’t set myself deadlines I just tend to write when I feel inspired.

I have a Mac Book which I write on, and I make a few handwritten notes as I am going.

I am very flexible with my world building, in fact it’s a very organic process and I find things changing as I write, and many times I’ve surprised myself with what’s ended up on the page. 

Question 3:  Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers? Where do you get your inspiration?

Author’s Response: A tip for an aspiring writer would be to take your time, let your imagination have room to breathe and then your story will flow.

Question 4:  What book is currently on your bedside table? What do you like to do when you are not writing? Describe your writing desk/space.

Author’s Response: I am currently reading A Grim Affair by Rachel Stanley, I’ve just started it and am really enjoying it.

When I’m not writing I like to get out into the countryside with my hubby and our dog, this always blows away the cobwebs. I’m also a huge science fiction lover, so a good episode of Star Trek is always a great way to relax. 

I have a writing desk but my most productive way of writing is to have my laptop on my knee with my feet up on the sofa, I find I am relaxed there.

Question 5: Recommend three of your favorite books to the readers.

Author’s Response: My favorite three books are,

The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton

Dracula by Bram Stoker 

The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

Author’s Favorite Quote – My favorite quote is by Enid Blyton and it is “The best way to treat obstacles is to use them as stepping-stones. Laugh at them, tread on them, and let them lead you to something better.

I hope you all have a lovely week and Happy Reading Y’All!

Until next time!


Lots of love,


Published by mrsswiftnib

A fellow book worm who by norms classifies as a voracious reader, books have been a key part since a toddler. Also a prolific writer, I love the craft of words. Of course, people who love to read mostly love to write too! Isn't it? I play around with colors and take absolute delight in Pencil Sketching and Mandalas. A little secret to indulge - I foster a vested interest of amassing a New Degree almost every year. It's my way to Paradise :) A Daughter, Wife, Engineer, Bibliophile, Six Yard Lover, Mandala Artist, Painter, Writer, Blogger, Poet, Sports Fanatic, Fitness Enthusiast, Photographer & a varied Juggler of Artsy Interests - That's Me in a Nutshell Welcome Aboard Y'all!!

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